(2009 – present)

I started this blog in 2009 when I was still in college and had a lot of time to experiment and explore. And explore, I did. It started out as a naive college girl’s online journal talking about internships, project troubles, and random thoughts every day. Back then, it was the next shiny thing for me. As years went by, I learned more by blog hopping and the world excited me like nothing else.

Like all new experiences, anything seemed possible in this online world. So I followed the footprints of senior bloggers and tried the good, bad and the ugly – I tried them all. After experimenting with some blog makeovers, writing unnecessary promos, toying with the idea of anonymous blogging, moving across blogging platforms, worrying about readership, vying for blogging awards, I realized that none of them matter. Since then, I am trying to understand my relationship with writing better.

I understand that I get myself and the world better when it is in the form of writing. I realize that writing my thoughts down soothes me in a way nothing else can. I have left this blog up with all its history, showing me my different phases and faces. Currently, this blog is a familiar place to return to, whenever I want.