I have been awarded The Versatile blogger by Smita. For a moment I was literally like :-O. No amount of words could explain my expression. My mind caught up a few minutes later and started its jubilant celebration. So after excessive appropriate amounts of grinning, jumping on the bed, running around the room and punching the air, here I am to thank the lovely girl who gave it to me and to pass it on to other versatile bloggers.

Thanks a ton Smita,
Your award has made my day! Having been in a low tide, nothing has managed to cheer me up for a while now. You achieved it with this award. There are not enough words to convey how much this means to me. Being the first award and all 🙂 So I am just ending it up with a thank you.
Now let me get to work with the rules that come with this award:
- Nominate 15 Fellow Bloggers.
- Inform the Bloggers of their nomination.
- Share 7 random things about yourself.
- Thank the Blogger who nominated you.
- Add the Versatile Blog Award picture to your blog post.
Here are the nominations and the explanations (I have done it slightly off the track). Dear bloggers, if you have received this award already, you can pass it on to 1 other blogger who would have to follow the entire process and keep the chain going.
Sumitra: Simple and subtle, yet Sumi manages to reach my heart with every post of hers. She is a role-model figure for me in blogger world. I am really happy to award her the versatile blogger award.
Khushboo Wadhwani: More popularly known as Paanipuri Lover, this girl has kept me awestruck many a times with her posts brimming with energy.
Atrocious Scribblings: As atrocious as his scribblings may be, this guy gives me a feeling that he is one of the few sane-minded guys out there. I don’t know what makes me say it, but that’s what I think of him.
DIGS: This dragon colors not only her life purple, but all her buddies’ lives too. 🙂 Daring is the word that comes to my mind when I think of her.
PeeVee: Priyanka is one of the bloggers whose archives I will dig again and again and read every single post with the same thrill when I read them the first time. Though she has been awarded already with this award, I want to do justice to the award by giving it to her.
Spaceman Spiff: Again, the same goes to Spaceman. She had already been given the award by a few bloggers. Yet, if I miss out Spaceman, it would be doing the award a great injustice. Spaceman Spiff is the blogger who made me realize what blogging actually means.
Vinati: Mirage as she is, she often comes up with short posts that keep me pondering for a while.I have tried reading between her lines and have come up with beautiful interpretations of my own apart from what is read generally. Shortly to say, Vi makes me think 🙂
Kalpak: I seriously contemplated skipping Kalpak for this award 😛 The reason is he rocks in humor and hence every post of his will overflow with his humor sense. But having read a few serious posts of him here and there, I know what an awesome blogger he is. I request him to accept this award 😛
Nags: Nags’ posts have always been a pleasant read for me. I learnt what a Vignette is from her and I should say she writes the most awesome Vignettes. I wish she could write more often.
Vijitha: Vijitha’s blog is like the book that I want to read forever. Her blog talks to me in a way that no other blog does. I wish she too could write more often.
I wanted to end it with 10 bloggers since the blogs to which I am an audience are limited due to my limited time and resolution not to over-indulge, but I thought of a different way. As for the last 5 people, they are no longer regular bloggers. Once agile, they have gone their own paths and have not written anything much recently. I am exempting them from having to follow the rules of this award, but they can do the process if they wish. They are  the first of a few bloggers I ever read. I remember awaiting their posts so eagerly amidst final-year project, reviews and exams. I cannot wish more that they find the time, energy and motivation to write again and more.
Ashwin: He still posts interesting things in his life. I have been a silent admirer of his posts all my college days. Thinking back, I do not know why I never commented on his blog though I loved every one of his posts.
Siddharth: Incessantly insane guy that he is, he started blogging just to make use of his excessive free time. He called himself an amateur blogger, but no one could hardly believe it. Right from the first post to the last one he wrote, he simply rocked. His about-me page is the most creative self-intro I have ever seen. He was an instant hit for he had a knack for hitting up on controversial topics and write on them as if he owned them. He robbed the sleep of many Sachin fans with his “Sachin is God and I am an Atheist” claim. Simply to say, I have never read another blog like his.
Poorni: Poorni’s blog is a private one that is a version 2.0 of her diary. She is an awesome writer and I have read one particular post of her more than 5 times. I wish she could write a public blog for the talent she has, but everyone has their own choices, don’t they? 😉
Abinaya: None plays so well with the words as Abi does. One of the few who made me think beyond simple narration.
Vineeth: I owe Vineeth a big one since I chanced upon Spaceman Spiff’s blog through his. And that was the beginning of a new opening. His unabridged version of life gives you a colorful cocktail of this and that.
As for the 7 random things about me:
1. I wish I would become a worthy writer.
2. I have a tendency of over-indulgence which over the years, I have reduced a bit but I still have a long way to go.
3. I love puppies but I refuse to go near them since they scare my wits out of me.
4. I see God in helping hands than in decorated temples.
5. I have a very different interpretation of worldly things which is hard to put in words.
6. I love appreciation.
7. I am a person whom many misunderstand, underestimate, overestimate. Only a few get me for what I am and accept me as such.
Until later 🙂
P.S: Since Sumitra suggested that I write more of Hyderabad, I am thinking of writing a short series about Hyderabad life which will cover a little of the vast city based on how I know it. What do you think about it? Will you be interested?