Don’t get the title wrong. I am still sane-minded enough to be around. This post is about a different kind of senses. I did not notice anything abnormal about myself until I grew up. But now, as my evil mind analyses and draws conclusions on every single thing that I do, I find out a lot about me – Some conclusions sane, some insane. It’s hard to escape my judging mind. And that’s one reason I can’t get over regrets soon enough.
So, back to the point, I have noticed that I miss certain senses that are easily classified as reflexes or at least common in most people. First of all, a sense of direction. Explain a way to some place with just words; I am sure to get it wrong without any help from people on the road. Ask me how to drive to a nearby town from my home-town, I wouldn’t know. I would rather tell you which bus to catch, where to get down and all that but never the direction in which you have to drive. I wouldn’t even know if that is within the range of a few kilometers. I am pretty sure that later on, in the future, if I decide to get somewhere by driving my car, I will get lost. I have always gawked in wonder at my uncles who drive their cars to different cities without even having to ask anyone on the road.
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Next will be my sense of balance. Irony is that my zodiac is Libra the symbol of which is balance scales. 😐 Though I am not the Bella type girl from Twilight saga, I do not have a pair of feet that would support me indulge in adventures like hiking, trekking and such fun stuff. I have always wanted to do these, but I know too well what will happen. I remember too well the one incident that made me realize that I am not a person of balanced feet. During the IV trip in first year of college, my friends climbed up a small mountain kind of thing for fun, rather than taking the normal road route. It seemed fun and I did it. I got to the top and then I couldn’t climb anymore because the path had become too steep. I felt that if I take a step up, then I would be rolling down in a matter of seconds. So, I decided to climb down the way I came up. Even that, I couldn’t. With each step I tried to take, I felt the steep ground giving away. To top it all, the strap of my sandal decided to give away at that exact moment. (I mentally made a note that I’d have to talk to Murphy and ask him not to be so biased towards me.) Frustrated with my vain attempts to climb up/down, my friend came up again and literally dragged me down. After this show in front of my whole class, I don’t think I will dare again to do such stuff. Adventure was not meant for me. 🙁
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The next one cannot be exactly classified as sense, but I have suffered enough and am still suffering of it. A sense of mathematics or rather analytical thinking. Ask me to think logically, creatively, innovatively – I will try and come up with something that is worth, to say the least. Ask me to think analytically and then I am at a loss and hence so are you. Even now, doing mental maths is a herculean task for me. I will rather ask someone by my side the sum of 242,897,323,9273 and 1545 or use a calculator. It is not laziness, I swear. By the time I finish doing this mentally, you could have had a little nap. Railway timing baffles me, Still. 🙁 I need time to think it out. Distance in units baffles me. People ask how far is my place from Hyderabad and I blink. I will say 18 hrs travel instead of 899 KM (I googled :P)If you say that so-and-so place is 40 KM from here, I wouldn’t know how long a drive it would be. If you ask, how many days is December 17, 2012 from now, you will have to go have your coffee and come back for answer. I think you get my plight.
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Above image is my style, when it comes to Maths.
I am not sure if everyone goes through this. But, I have been with enough people to know that my brain is wired wrongly, at least in such aspects. So much, for being the daughter of a man who has an excellent sense of direction and a sister of a guy who absolutely shines at analytical thinking. I seriously think my bro took all the good stuff from my parents’ genes, being the first child. Hmph. 😐
Have you been always comfortable with all these stuff?
Until later 🙂
Well all have our eccentricities don’t we and yours do not even border on craziness, So chill, relax and take a breather.
I used to be like you in the math thingy when I was younger, ironic for an engineer to be saying that but it phased out as I grew up.
Pardon me for saying this but as sexist as this is going to sound, I’ll still say it out loud; Ladies are not that good with directions. It is something that I’ve come to observe in my gal pals, sisters and my mother.
At the end of it all; we are, what we are, right???
Thanks for your comforting comment 🙂 Yeah we all have our eccentricities and that’s a part of what we are.
It took an engineering degree for me to realize my imbalance in Maths. And, as for your generalized comment, I am not sure. You may be or may not be right. Because I have seen some of my friends excelling in direction sense. Of course, they might have been exceptions 🙂
Thanks for coming by. Be around. It means a lot 🙂
I suffer from every single thing that you’ve mentioned in your post. You are not alone! 😀
Glad that I am not alone, Sumi 🙂
Yo! I finally followed your blog! *phew*
It was tough yaar! Especially for a person like me, who can’t see things and can’t understand instructions clearly!
Nice blog Keirthana, and did I tell you, I looouuuu you name! 😀
Yaaayy! Paanipuri Lover following my blog! I am soooo happy 🙂 And Thanks dear 🙂 You are the 2nd person complimenting my name, the 1st being Kalpak. (Yeah, I am keeping count 😛 )
My sense of direction is not so bad. I was extremely bad at remembering routes but then I had to learn when I started driving my car.
And sense of balance.. I am completely with you!!! I always say my feet walk in opposite directions.. they dont like each other! I bang my toes into everything in and out of their path and the no. of times i have twisted my ankle coz of heels… dont ask!!!
p.s am finally following ur blog too!
Am so relieved to hear that there are others are there like me. I was under the impression that I have gone completely nuts.
Thanks for following Chandana 🙂