I think, therefore I write

Category: I OPINE (Page 8 of 15)


                                                blog.design-seeds_com              rebellion

Images Sources: blog.design-seeds.com and nostate.com

So many things we have to do
Instead of those that we want to
Life is twisted that way
You can’t change it in a day

Accepting things that you have to embrace
Will help floating ahead in life with grace
What about the things you want to do, you ask?
There will come a time for you to bask

To do something, anything
Who says you gotta believe in the thing?
You can just get them done with it
If your core doesn’t get hit.

If I have questions, I will ask
Settling scores with my karma’s task
That doesn’t make me any less
Me, in it’s own way, life will bless

If you keep your head clear
On a different path, none can steer
That’s rebellion on it’s most glorious day
And in the most dignified way

Until later 🙂


It’s been the laziest stupor I have ever been in. Past month and even till now, feeling too lazy to do anything. Reading, Writing, Cooking, Trying out something new. Nope. I have not been able to snap out of it although I am at least getting to my routine chores. So I thought I would pull something together on my blog to snap out of it. Here are some of the one-liners I composed and keeping telling myself at times, all at your service 😉

It’s always easier to freak out than to stay calm.

There are certain times when keeping mum helps.

It’s often easier to act like you care than to actually care.

Men are kids in so many ways, women need to learn to accept that.

It is not a necessity to believe in something to participate in it.

Tears are not a sign of weakness. It helps you drain the sadness out and make space for happiness.

It’s okay to feel jealous, it happens. But don’t ever fail to do what you should have because of the green-eyed monster.

Love can only do so much for you. It’s commitment and the work you put in to maintain the relationship that will count in the end.

What’s right is not always easy but still you gotta hold on to the right end of life rather than the easy one.

Until later 🙂

Can’t, Won’t, Don’t


I can’t let my mobile battery go down below 20%. For me that is low battery.

I won’t be ashamed of happily sucking on a lollipop on the road.

I don’t like writing for commercialized prompts or contests anymore. I do like to take up prompts and challenges but not the kind where you write a post about some product without even having used it. And that’s just an example.

I can’t eat rice for dinner to save myself. Rice or rice-like dishes. On the other hand, if you give me Dosa for dinner everyday of the year, that’s just fine.

I won’t spare my weekends for anything, especially the Sunday evenings. I have a list of chores to be done and then relax. The Sunday evening is my week’s respite. It’s the me time.

I don’t need an anonymous blog with an audience after all. I do have an anonymous identity online but it’s just for me, like a filter. That’s just my space. Some posts from there might find their way here based on the relevance of the context and my judgement. Others, well let’s just say they were meant to be written not to be shared.

I can’t tolerate if someone folds the clothes inside out just as it came out from the washer. It bugs me until I fold it correctly.

I won’t stop reading Harry Potter, even if I have read it thousands of time before.

I don’t stand rules that have no logical backing or that have gone obsolete. I need all my questions of ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘how’ to be answered if you expect to follow some rule. At the least, I need to figure out an explanation that satiate me.

I can’t say no to chocolates. Cadbury is where it is because of me. [I think they should give me some special discount]

I won’t be as naïve as I once was. So if you know me from before and know me now after a gap, don’t think I’m the same.

I don’t like people who overdose on boasting about themselves. Narcissism has its limits and you better know it if you want to be around me.

I can’t survive a day without spilling. One hour into wearing a new white dress, you can find a spill on it. Whether it is cooking or eating, the kid in me spills. No, I don’t have shaky hands or nerve issues. That’s just how I am.

I won’t stop believing in love, however hard life makes it.

I don’t get answers to some of my desperate questions and I don’t know why I don’t get them either. Life better have some pretty good reasons for this.

Until later 🙂

The hanging knife

caresearch_com_au           doorswithinmyheart.blogspot

Image source: caresearch.com.au & doorswithinmyheart.blogspot.com

Hope’s a dangerous thing, some say; A useful link, some others say
How it comes and goes in the flash of a day, I never know
Every morning, I am full of it ; Every evening, I am wary
That little boost comes my way, in one or the other form
Helping me not to give up, telling me to always hold on

Like the knife lurking above, life goes on in a threatened routine
I look up every time, the knife hasn’t fallen yet
But it hasn’t gone away either, it just hangs there
Silently mocking me for my insecurities, it laughs
Boldly threatening me, drunk on its power

Just a human, I live my fears just as I live my joys
I cry when life hurts the most, then I hope
I laugh when life blesses me and then I hope some more
I keep appending a comma, never putting a period
And that’s how everything goes on.

Until later 🙂

A clean slate


Image source: alexamicosmetics.com

What goes around does come around
Make sure you balance your deeds
Else karma will make you go round and round
Don’t give in to your ego feeds

Feel the energy, the silence
Try to see what’s beyond
Give way to good sense
Everything will stop its haunt

To accept is never a weakness
The courage within, it underlines
Never let go of your harness
Never does life undermine

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Take smaller steps for the change within
Resolve now, don’t let anything come later as an issue
See in smaller things life’s beauties hidden

Patience is a virtue to learn
Keep doing what’s on your plate
Accolades many you will earn
And life will become a clean slate

Until later 🙂

P.S: Giving pointers to self is easy, following is difficult. Did the former, now let’s see about the latter.

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