I think, therefore I write


                                                blog.design-seeds_com              rebellion

Images Sources: blog.design-seeds.com and nostate.com

So many things we have to do
Instead of those that we want to
Life is twisted that way
You can’t change it in a day

Accepting things that you have to embrace
Will help floating ahead in life with grace
What about the things you want to do, you ask?
There will come a time for you to bask

To do something, anything
Who says you gotta believe in the thing?
You can just get them done with it
If your core doesn’t get hit.

If I have questions, I will ask
Settling scores with my karma’s task
That doesn’t make me any less
Me, in it’s own way, life will bless

If you keep your head clear
On a different path, none can steer
That’s rebellion on it’s most glorious day
And in the most dignified way

Until later 🙂


  1. Uma

    Very nice, Keirthana and how true..we try hard to find our calling, all the while immersed in the mundane and feel frustrated. Acceptance and focus are the keys to find that contentment.

    • Keirthana

      Thanks Uma! Indeed, there are so many things that we do for the sake of getting on with life, for the sake of our loved ones etc. But sticking to what we believe at heart is what keeps us intact and preserves our identity.

  2. Soumya

    Sounds like you write my biography here! 😛

    Loved every work and the rhyming was orgasmic! I so loved the Rebellion picture too. It so reminded me of me!


    • Keirthana

      Ha ha, I was kinda thinking about you when I wrote this and I knew with one look that you’d love that pic 😉

      Thanks dearie!

  3. Raghavan alias Saravanan

    Excellent 🙂 Good flow of thoughts da.

    • Keirthana

      Thanks na! 🙂

  4. Blasphemous Aesthete

    That is actually profound, but hard to implement. Life, with its twists and turns befuddles us to an extent that we no longer can tell which way is north. Still, we must try to find our Norths 🙂

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  5. Confused Soul

    I could so relate!
    This was amazing 🙂

    • Keirthana

      Glad you could. Thanks 🙂 And Welcome to the undefined space!

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