I think, therefore I write

A little of this and a little of that

I’m in a surprisingly good mood for the past couple of days. Usually as the week wears on, I start getting cranky from all the cooking, cleaning, working etc. But not this time and it feels good too. Let me see if life lets me keep it for a while. Discovered that music is such an awesome helper when you have lots of work. When I cook/clean/cut vegetables/wash vessels/… , if I listen to music the work seems  lot easier. So the Ipod and Speaker have gotten a permanent spot in the kitchen shelf. No wonder mom used to listen to radio all the time in the kitchen. I just thought she loved the radio. 🙂

The thing in the earlier post is taken care of and my mind is at peace now. I know it’s just a start but it feels like a good one. When the time comes, I will decide whether to come out to a limited audience or not. That’s all I’m gonna tell now.

Until later 🙂


  1. Phatichar

    Good for you 🙂

    • Keirthana

      Thanks Sri! And what a surprise to see you here 🙂

  2. Wings of Harmony

    Oooh, 😀 And curious curious! 😀

    • Keirthana

      😀 Someday maybe I’ll quench your curiosity. Not ready yet 😉

  3. Ajay Kontham

    Thats’ all ?
    No sneak-peak? No trailer ? No Spoiler alert ?
    This is so not cool. 😛

    Music always helps. Anytime. Any place.

    • Keirthana

      Yup, it has taken shape beautifully and simply. The 2 virtues I cared about most for now. Didn’t wanna keep it dragging on and hence just went ahead.

      Thinking whether to give a peek for my readers or not once it is ready. That is if you guys are interested 😛

      Yeah, knew Music helps but didn’t know to this extent. It’s amazing!

      • Ajay Kontham

        Of course, we are interested. 😛
        So, when will we get it ?

        • Keirthana

          All in due time! 😛

  4. Soumya

    Soooo happy for you! 🙂

    • Keirthana

      Thank you lioness!

  5. PeeVeeâ„¢

    How do you manage? Going from taking care of yourself to taking care of a household… I admire that..

    • Keirthana

      It was maddening at first but then as I tried such ways to channelize my energy, it has become easier. Even then once a while I feel the urge to rant out and that’s when hubby’s role of patient listener kicks in. Once the rant is out, tears are spent everything is better again 🙂

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