I think, therefore I write

Year: 2017 (Page 2 of 3)

Some things in life

Something I had shared on social media – posting here for posterity


Some things in life are not meant to be
A step here and a step there
That’s so near and yet as far

Some things in life go up in smoke
As I try to catch little wisps
Trying hard not to wreck my ship

Some things in life are made to be left out
Even as I grab as much as I can
That it all feels so out of plan

Some things in life are for letting go
The harder I hold on to it
The farther it is going to shift

The other side of life,
The other side of destiny,
The other side of hope,
Because all things in life have two sides.

Until later 🙂


*Something that I had written on social media – Preserving here for posterity.


You and your crooked smile,
The one that never reached your eyes,
I could read you like an open book
But could not interpret you as I’d like to.

That twist of your lips, about to tell something
But swallowing the thought as it came,
I can tell you want to talk, but
But I can’t tell why you wouldn’t.

Incompleteness completes you, I guess
That’s why you are the perfect paradox,
Always an unfinished enigma
To the searching eyes of others

I wish you’d let that go someday, that
You’d break free and fly, with sky as the limit
Into a space where none of these matter
Where the end becomes the beginning,
Making you truly unfinished for eternity!


A little something inspired by a random stranger’s sad eyes.

Until later 🙂


ஒரு ஆணின் கண்கள் இத்தனை அழகாய் இருக்கும் என நான் நினைத்ததில்லை,
உன் கண்களை காணும் வரை.

ஒரு ஆணின் கைகள் இத்தனை மென்மையாய் இருக்கும் என நான் நினைத்ததில்லை,
நீ என்னை தழுவும் வரை.

ஒரு ஆணின் இதயம் பூ போல் இருக்கும் என நான் நினைத்ததில்லை,
உன்னை காதலிக்கும் வரை.

ஒரு ஆணின் கோபம் இத்தனை ஆழமாக இருக்கும் என நான் நினைத்ததில்லை,
உன் கண்களின் சீற்றத்தை காணும் வரை.

ஒரு ஆணின் சிரிப்பு இத்தனை சிலிர்ப்பாய் இருக்கும் என நான் நினைத்ததில்லை,
உன் சிரிப்பு என்னை தீண்டும் வரை.

ஒரு ஆணின் குரல் என் உயிரின் இசையை மீட்டும் என நான் நினைத்ததில்லை,
உன் குரலின் இசை கேட்கும் வரை.

ஒரு ஆணை வர்ணித்து கவிதை எழுதுவேன் என் நான் நினைத்ததில்லை,
இன்று உன்னை நினைத்து இதை நான் எழுதும் வரை.


Something inspired by hubby.

Forgive the stereotyping in the poem – I hate stereotyping, but had to do it to write it in the way I wanted it to sound 🙂

Until later 🙂

And that’s how it’s done

There is one scene in “The Good Wife” that I like so much. Granted that I have an on and off feeling when it comes to Alicia Florrick’s character in the series, but there are some scenes when she kicks ass. Hats off to Juliana Margulies for such a brilliant portrayal!

There is one scene in Season 4, Episode 16. Alicia is pitted against Liz Lawrence (her nemesis from law school, played by Audra McDonald). Out of frustration that Alicia is winning the case defending a drug dealer client so coolly, Liz venomously tries to hurt Alicia with the one thing that could hurt her most. Alicia replies with a stone face and shows  how it’s done.

Liz: “You know, we used to feel bad for you, The old gang from school. We all called each other after your press conference and said, can you believe it?”.. “Having your husband admit to sleeping with prostitutes. Now I see.  You were made for each other.”

Alicia: “You know what I’ve thought of you since school?”…   “Nothing.”

That scene showed Alicia’s core strength. And that is the inspiration for these verses.


Some things don’t bother me,
Like that smug smile of yours,
Pretending to show me one up.

Some things don’t bother me,
Like those hints you drop by,
Thinking they’d hurt me somehow.

Some things don’t bother me,
Like the nostalgia you try to revive,
Hoping they’d throw me off my game.

Some things don’t bother me,
Like the attitude you try to flaunt,
Believing it conceals your intentions.

Some things don’t bother me,
Because as much as I observe them and
As much as I am amused by them,
I never think about them,
For they are just a passing jest in my life,
For I am too busy living my life to its best.


Until later 🙂


This post is dedicated to all those who answered the infinite why’s from all directions and owned up to their life decisions. May more people make the choice to answer than to succumb wordlessly.

Because I want to.
Because I like it.
Because I choose to.
Just because I can.
Because I have to the right to decide what I want to do.
Because I know what I am doing.
Because my life’s priorities are mine alone.
Because it’s my life.

Let’s start taking control of our life and stop trying to control others’ lives. Let’s own up to what we do with our lives and let each of us decide their life choices.

Until later 🙂

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