I think, therefore I write

Category: LOVE (Page 4 of 10)

July : Uneventful

Here goes the month of July 2014, number 6 in the series:


Dear Adit,

July was the uneventful month for us with nothing major going on. You had to go for our school mate’s wedding alone since I couldn’t take off from work. Every time you had to leave me alone, you made a big fuss about how I had to be alone and if I will be okay. All this knowing fully well, that I am very comfortable being alone 😛 I am a person who enjoys some ‘me’ time and I am not a scared cat either to be afraid of staying alone in the house. You knew it, yet you asked me multiple times if I wanted to go over to any of our relatives’ places in Bangalore. Perhaps you were suspicious of me skipping [the much-hated] rice and veggies for lunch and deduced correctly that I will just eat Dosa 3 meals a day if left to myself. Well, that’s what I did in the end. 😀

Other trivia like switching internet service providers and making a big deal of it, fights over how you were making me late for work in the morning happened. One more aspect to July was with this month started the spiritual fest in our home. There were a lot of rituals and poojas to be done according to the customs of your family. Though I didn’t have much inclination towards religious festivities, I respected your beliefs and decided to do it. Trouble was it involved long preparations and procedures to be followed and reading them from the book and doing them didn’t turn out to be ideal. Anyway I did the best I could.

Is that all that happened in July, the month seems very uneventful but then maybe I was too busy with the work-home-work routine and you were breaking your head over looking out for a career change as planned in June.

And did I tell you? I love you 😉




Until later 🙂

June : One with the family

Here goes the month of June 2014, fifth in line in the series of letters to my hubby for our anniversary:


Dear Adit,

June was a month for family time. Your cousin had a sudden engagement and we rushed there happily. It was an arranged love marriage and first of the kind that I was seeing up close. There were a lot of relatives there who I didn’t know and a lot more who didn’t know me. That was the first family function I was attending after our wedding and hence I was put on spotlight. It made me very nervous, awkward and uncomfortable at the same time. I plunged into doing the chores, helping your aunt and welcoming everyone to make the jitters go away and it helped a little. That was the first time I wore a silk saree after the wedding. I tried and tried and eventually your sister had to help me after finishing with hers!

On the down side, I had to miss my long-awaited get-together with my college friends since we had to rush to Salem at the last minute. I was so looking forward to meeting everybody since I hadn’t been able to attend most of the previous meet-ups. Anyway, I had to prioritize and that’s what I did. Everybody in your family started praising me for helping out at the engagement but I just did what I wanted to. It was my SIL’s engagement after all, she was your only little sister.

Also, you had started thinking about a job change, about leaving your comfort zone of 4 years. I knew you were getting restless with the job because it had gotten stagnant but then again the work culture was something that was rare. So I didn’t push you, I wanted you to figure out what you wanted and how to go about it. I was happy when you eventually decided that career is more important than comfort at this age. Although the change that you wanted came a few months down the line, this marked the beginning.

June meant family time to us and we enjoyed it to the best.

And did I tell you? I love you 😉




Until later 🙂

May : The month we grew up

Here goes the month of May 2014, number 4 on the count-down to February 9, 2014:


Dear Adit,

May came to us with a bag of insecurities. We got our housing loan sanctioned and were all ready to take a huge financial step in our life. It brought a lot of changes to our financial outlook, many alterations were made to the budget but you gotta accept that having a house of our own has become a must. We can’t live forever in rented houses and put up with nosy busybodies for owners as we do now! So, I wouldn’t regret that we took the decision in hand and that a big chunk of our earnings are going towards the EMI. Most of the month went in planning the budget, we planned everything to the microscopic level as if we were devising India’s budget. I am really sorry that you had to tone down splurging on your toys gadgets but let’s face it, you have a truck load of them. Since I am not a gadget freak, all of mine is also yours and you have every gadget available in the market. Down to the T. So I guess it is okay if you had to put off some upgrades and also because I know you will itching to indulge once we get our finances settled down a bit. 🙄

The trip to Salem to spend some time with your uncle’s family was a refreshing break from our regular routine. We had a nostalgic afternoon of going through childhood photos of you and your cousins. I had seen your childhood photos before but a few new discoveries were made and I loved going through them with your sister giving me comments on each of them. You were the chubby kid who was ‘showing off’ in each of the photos 😛 I also loved hearing the stories about you when you were too young to remember anything. Remember how I loved the pic where your mom had dressed you up in a frock and had tied up your hair? You were adorable and for some reason you had this huge grin on your face. I cannot fathom what made you that happy. Maybe you loved playing dress-up as a kid 😀

Also, we enjoyed a lot of movies in May, caught up on those we missed and watched new ones. We also started to watch sitcoms shows on ZCafe religiously like “The Good Wife”, “Outsourced” etc. Things picked up at work for me and I got busier by the day. Days were rushing by so fast.

So May in our dictionary is the month that’s famous for learning to take big decisions in life, have insecurities and deal with it.




Until later 🙂

April : The mixed bag

Here goes the month of April 2014, the third of the count-down towards our anniversary:


Dear Adit,

I have heard people say that any couple that fights on a healthy scale is in a good position. I have experienced it too. I don’t know if I fight on a healthy scale but I know you do. I go up and down like mercury on a thermometer gone crazy but you are always the sane one. No wonder we coupled up because opposites attract. In the beginning of April, we had one of the epic fights because you had gone to your Alma matter to contribute something to the infrastructure there and you didn’t keep up your promises about calling often and eating on time when you were there. Okay, I agree that I was and am always biased against your college admin activities but that’s only because it eats into your time and attention and I am plain jealous. But I am entitled to be jealous, you know? You don’t take care of yourself properly when you are there! You forget all about food and sleep and keep discussing those geeky technical stuff with your fellows. I understand your passion but I can’t keep quiet about this. Learn to prioritize baby 🙂

To top it, I fell sick when you were not around and being sick and alone is not a good combination at all. So I turned into a nit-picker and troubled you a lot. I won’t say sorry because I am not 😛 Anyway as usual, we got over that! Okay, we got over that only because you never fight back when I am hyper and you wore me down with your puppy face. You also mailed me this adorable pic when I was so angry and as soon as I saw it, I started laughing at how you could do this when I was being Ms.Cranky Pants.

I rediscovered your ability to put up with me and my temper and was amazed by it. I don’t know how you do it. Whether you are right or wrong in the situation does not matter to you. When I start yelling, you go on the silent mode, never uttering one word. After I vent everything out, your silence makes me think and analyze who went wrong and where. It also tells me if I am yelling for the right thing to the right extent. God must have known that I would need a saint like you to handle my mercuric levels.

Later in the month, your cousin shifted to Bangalore with family and I enjoyed their stay at our place till they got theirs sorted out. Remember how nervous I was about if they would like my cooking? I had made breakfast and lunch for 5 before leaving for work but since I didn’t know the proportions properly I ended up cooking for 7. Nevertheless, we were able to manage it without wasting, thanks to your aunt’s experienced hand at tackling cooking situations like this. I was ecstatic when they declared me an expert at making chutneys and that I cook well. And I was almost dancing with joy when I heard them telling your mom on phone that she has got an amazing DIL. It was a happy phase for me, with some elders to guide me at home, give me recipes etc. Although they were the guests, your aunt pampered us with her cooking and receiving us when we returned home from work. 

So all in all, April was a mixed bag for us.

And did I tell you? I love you 😉




Until later 🙂

March : When we landed on earth

Here goes the month of March 2014, the second of the count-down towards our anniversary:


Dear Adit,

March was the month when we landed on earth after all the rides. We felt a little dizzy what with all the travel, settling down, visiting various relatives for the customary feast for the newly-wed, inviting them back etc. Slowly reality kicked in and we both got back to our jobs and fell into the routine. It was an eccentric experience for me I would say. I had never been the homely girl and to be a responsible wife running a household required me to tone down some of my madness 😉 Cooking for you was an awesome experience but I soon got bored because you ate anything that was edible. Your no-special-preferences to food and accommodating taste buds made it difficult for me to find out whether I am doing well in the kitchen. As for self feedback, I kept comparing my dishes with my mom’s and as a result everything tasted bad. Slowly, I started figuring out what dishes you favor subtly (although you do it on the sub-conscious level) and started getting a hang of it.

As for running the household, I was constantly getting into trouble. I cut my finger n number of times, touched hot things and got my skin scalded, hurt myself a lot while sweeping the house. All because of my clumsiness. You would pout and rush to aid me whenever I lose my balance and chide me for not being more careful. Well, dear hubby, your wife may be the clumsy duckling but a few cuts/burns are bound to happen for people who newly enter the role of a homemaker. So stop that pouting okay? 🙄 I still remember that day when I had cut my arm on the grill gate and I was more worried about how you would take it than about the pain that came with the wound. I am thankful that in the coming months, you understood my clumsiness and I got my sense of balance to normal at the very least 😛

Then came the news that my SIL is pregnant. I started hunting for baby names but we both never agreed on one name to suggest to my bro. Anyway we had lot of time in hand till November, so never mind. However, I wondered how on earth we are gonna pick out a name for our kid when its time, given our varied tastes.

We had a lot of fun since we had all the time in the world together and none to question us. :mrgreen: I started enjoying the alone time with you since, during our courtship days it was so hard to get some ‘us’ time without having to sneak around to even attend a phone call from you. We had a lot of firsts in spite of our long relationship and got to know new things about each other or at least got reminded of the things that we had overlooked. For example, you got to know how much of a bitch I was when it comes to organizing and cleaning and I got to know how much of a kid you were and that you need someone to take care of you always 😛

We got our wedding photo albums and remember how shocked we were when we saw some couple in wedding costume towards the end of our wedding video? It was a mess-up and thank god it was a repairable one. I was so mad at the photographer, after all the poses that he made us do, this is what he gives us! Anyway, you helped me get over that and we had a good laugh over it. The visit to Trichy for my best friend’s wedding was hampered by the scorching heat which neither of us were able to bear. 😳 That’s when I realized how incompatible with the town we have become after living in Bangalore for a few years.

Anyway March was a grounding month after the high that February was.

And did I tell you? I love you 😉




Until later 🙂

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