Here goes the month of July 2014, number 6 in the series:
Dear Adit,
July was the uneventful month for us with nothing major going on. You had to go for our school mate’s wedding alone since I couldn’t take off from work. Every time you had to leave me alone, you made a big fuss about how I had to be alone and if I will be okay. All this knowing fully well, that I am very comfortable being alone 😛 I am a person who enjoys some ‘me’ time and I am not a scared cat either to be afraid of staying alone in the house. You knew it, yet you asked me multiple times if I wanted to go over to any of our relatives’ places in Bangalore. Perhaps you were suspicious of me skipping [the much-hated] rice and veggies for lunch and deduced correctly that I will just eat Dosa 3 meals a day if left to myself. Well, that’s what I did in the end. 😀
Other trivia like switching internet service providers and making a big deal of it, fights over how you were making me late for work in the morning happened. One more aspect to July was with this month started the spiritual fest in our home. There were a lot of rituals and poojas to be done according to the customs of your family. Though I didn’t have much inclination towards religious festivities, I respected your beliefs and decided to do it. Trouble was it involved long preparations and procedures to be followed and reading them from the book and doing them didn’t turn out to be ideal. Anyway I did the best I could.
Is that all that happened in July, the month seems very uneventful but then maybe I was too busy with the work-home-work routine and you were breaking your head over looking out for a career change as planned in June.
And did I tell you? I love you 😉
Until later 🙂
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