I think, therefore I write

Category: FICTION (Page 1 of 5)


Disclaimer: This is not a movie review. This is about the impact a movie had on me.

The reviews had promised me a good movie with ’96. So I pretty much started watching it with that expectation. What I was completely unprepared for was the soulfulness and depth in the movie. The movie is so simple and realistic that it could have happened to me. Trisha and Vijay Sethupathi have done a fantastic job. Vijay Sethupathi more so. The question of what could have been coupled with the heavy musical notes evoke emotions unforeseen. The pain, the nostalgia, the simplicity – all of them make the movie incredibly credible. Good movies always impact me more than necessary, but no movie made me believe that it could have happened/could happen to me like this one did.

Govind Vasantha has let the music speak for itself. The tones keep ringing in my ears even after the movie is over. I watched this movie on a Friday and I found myself going back to it multiple times over the weekend. In search of what? I don’t know. Do I want the love to be requited in some way? Do I want to see them have some form of closure? Do I want to revel in that longing? I don’t know. This movie might have impacted me because I had a childhood sweetheart. But I married him. So I know only about what it’s meant to be. But this movie showed me that there can be it’s-not-meant-to-bes in life and that it could have easily happened to me if not for destiny.

The if-only’s were too painful for me. So many chances, yet all of them slipped through the fingers. For what end? I am not sure whether Ram and Jaanu got closure as they tearfully move on from their evening. But I sure didn’t. That’s the reason I find myself going back to the movie, searching for something that does not exist in that story – Closure.

Broken promises

Your words lie scattered around me
In my dreams, in reality, on paper and in my memories
I keep asking myself, was any of them true?
Even for that one instant when they escaped your lips
This hurt tells me a story, one that oozes with my trust
And its broken heart, and of course, your broken promises.

Your mirages surround me all day
Morning, noon and night, when I am asleep and awake
I don’t expect any respite from your ghosting
It’s all my own making, I know that very well
This pain tells me a story, one that drips with my love
And its broken wings, and of course, your broken promises.

Your memoirs fill my room, nook and corner
Without the heart to throw them out,
And without the heart to look at them either
I shut my eyes and think of the world as a dark tunnel
This blind sight tells me a story, one that stinks of my denial
And its persistence, and of course, your broken promises.

Your fragrance is still on my bed sheets,
Reminding me of the warmth and cosiness,
Illusions I know, but comforting ones nevertheless
I curl a bit more inside them, hoping it would all come back
This smell tells me a story, one that screams of my hope
And its vanity, and of course, your broken promises.

All those broken promises, swirl around me
As broken shards of glass turning my world into dust
I only wish when this storm clears, it clears away all of you
All of you, your memories and of course, your broken promises
Because I do not want to surrender, you know
Not to your broken promises!

Being broken is not a crime, Staying that way is!

Do you agree? How do you like this post?

Until later 🙂

Image Source: pexels.com


A light fragrance in the air, and
A feeling of hands running through my hair,
Reminding me of you and your memory
A time capsule, buried deep in me.

Like a ghost from the past,
Every memory of you is a blast.
But there’s no pain in me
Or my memories, none at all.

When & how did you fade?
From being the voice of my soul
To a mere echo, blighted in existence.
And I wonder, was that all there was to us?

Life teaches a lot of intriguing lessons
The best of which, I think, is to forget.
As I heal with each passing day,
I learn to let your memories fade away.

Like that distant echo that you can’t catch,
Like that missing piece of the puzzle,
Like the rain-washed verses of an estranged poem,
Like the forgotten beauty of a lost voice.


Until later 🙂


Image by: Sarolta Ban

The trail you left lingered in the air
As beautiful as the star dust
And the decor of the magical night sky
With the blinking stars and shooting comets
It all reminds me of that sweet memory
When nothing else mattered than
Your voice, your honey coated voice
Kindling a wave of serendipitous nostalgia
Eons of time passed, without a pause
Yet, here I am and there you are
Separated by time and space
Like a lovelorn moon and the high tide
Trying to reach its lover but failing in vain
Still, I will wait for the day I hear your voice again
Even when I know that might never happen
For I can never give up on waiting for you
For now, your memory will suffice
For my heart to rest and for me to dream on…
And on…

Linking this to Magpie Tales : Mag 274

Until later 🙂

P.S: This form of poetry is new to me, where just the lyrics talk volumes without any focus on the rhyme. Inspired by Sreesha Divakaran who blogs at Petrichor and Clouds and writes amazing poetry.

Remember to turn the light on

Image courtesy: http://magpietales.blogspot.in/

The passion that became an obsession
The indifference that comes with mistrust

The memory that kept coming back
The oblivion which makes everything so easy

The love that leaped in flames
The hate which comes so easily

The tears that don’t need any prompt
The smiles that put everything straight

The quiet innocence which shields
And the knowledge which robs that very peace

The anger that burns up the place
The calm before that very storm

In spite of all the burdening emotions
Stay still, one with inner peace

As you try to contend content
Peace will come find you
Give in to that feeling of stillness
Observe what brings in the dark

In this world that’s so blatant
You will find, as if on cue
That single thread of mindfulness
If you remember to turn the light on

Inspired by Dumbledore’s famous quote in Harry Potter & the prisoner of Azkaban – “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”

 Until later 🙂

Linking this to Magpie Tales

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