I think, therefore I write

Remember to turn the light on

Image courtesy: http://magpietales.blogspot.in/

The passion that became an obsession
The indifference that comes with mistrust

The memory that kept coming back
The oblivion which makes everything so easy

The love that leaped in flames
The hate which comes so easily

The tears that don’t need any prompt
The smiles that put everything straight

The quiet innocence which shields
And the knowledge which robs that very peace

The anger that burns up the place
The calm before that very storm

In spite of all the burdening emotions
Stay still, one with inner peace

As you try to contend content
Peace will come find you
Give in to that feeling of stillness
Observe what brings in the dark

In this world that’s so blatant
You will find, as if on cue
That single thread of mindfulness
If you remember to turn the light on

Inspired by Dumbledore’s famous quote in Harry Potter & the prisoner of Azkaban – “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”

 Until later 🙂

Linking this to Magpie Tales


  1. Sid

    Pretty interesting take on that quote, Keirthana. I love that quote.

    • Bogglehead

      Thanks Sid! I am a fan of Dumbledore quotes and this one is my favorite.

  2. Soumya

    Oh wow! One of the best things I have read in a long time.

    So meaningful and deep. Every word was so beautifully used. Yes, every word.

    You should do poetry more often.

    • Bogglehead

      Thanks Leo, I am trying to do exactly that.

  3. Michael

    There are a few lines in this that hit me like a ton of bricks. Id like to see you continue to work on this one and refine its gold. Because the gold is there

    • Bogglehead

      Thanks Michael, I will maybe do a sequel for this. Welcome to the boggle space.

  4. Mamta

    That was really beautiful, every couplet was. Especially the bit about innocence and knowledge….amazing! Loved coming here…

    • Bogglehead

      Thanks Mamta and welcome to the boggle space. Hoping to see you more.

  5. Ranjini

    “The tears that don’t need any prompt
    The smiles that put everything straight”
    Those lines were so relatable. And that quote of Dumbledore’s. It’s one of my favorite from Harry Potter 🙂

    • Bogglehead

      Thanks Ranjini! Glad you could relate..

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