*This post is inspired by my mom and this advertisement. A lot of people don’t give due credits for the woman of the house. I am not taking up the feminist card and talking here. In fact,I see a lot of women discarding the duties of a house saying that they have better things to do. A lot of people ask me when I can afford a maid, why won’t I hire one? My reply is that I don’t need one. This is in no way a feminist post. I am not going there now. I wrote this by observing my mom and extrapolating a few of my ideas. This one is for her, the woman of our house*
I am a woman, a proud one at that. People judge me for various reasons, I don’t care. I have a family that loves me and I devote my life for them. Some of my friends don’t get me, why I should take up the typical household work instead of engaging a maid. I have my reasons. I have my situations. Moreover, what’s wrong in doing the chores when you can. I agree that I may not be that pretty woman with manicured nails and make-up intact. I am that woman who you never gave a second glance or maybe you did, only because she looked funny trying to balance her two-wheeler loaded with grocery shopping for the home she is making.
I am that woman who makes a house into a home. You can see me being tired but you can never see me sit down for that. My only thought throughout is I must take care of my health becaue only then I can take care of my husband and kids. My hands are rough and dry with all the work, sometimes they crack. But I have no time to pamper them, I let them be. They get used to it and rough hands speak of my life with pride. They speak of my love for the family. I understand independence and am protective about it but that doesn’t mean I can ignore the things I should be doing. It’s not something that I took up because the society says it’s a woman’s job but because only I can.
At work, there are a lot of men I compete with. They don’t get why I work so hard, but neither do they get that I have to work so hard to balance my work and personal life and still reach the heights I deserve. Society is biased a lot of times, but I don’t have time to crib when there are things to be done. I do my bit and keep trudging forward. There’s still a lot of gender bias in the society. But I know things don’t change by words and placards. They change by actions. I prove in action to the world that I am no less a person, the world would look back. I will make it so.
A lot of people who see me doing everything ask me mockingly, “So, you are the man of the house?”. I proudly reply, “No, I’m even better. I’m the woman of the house.”
Until later 🙂
A true to the heart post. A woman of the house is at most times underrated and often taken for granted. There need not be feminism to establish her significance. Just her absence in the family’s life for 1 day will be enough to show how much she does.
Well put Kathy!
well,woman plays major role in home making.but there are limits based on rationality how our future turns into.my mom too was always busy with household work and we felt our house like graveyard when she goes to her native place.my dad used to make calls to her to come back early.rationality is,when you do so much work and when you get back pain or knee pain at the age of 55,do your kids treat you the way you have treated them.these days,children desert their old parents when they can’t walk or when they can’t do their own work.so question is,do you want to save your energy for future or you want to exhaust for today and suffer later.we should always live in reality,perfection or idealism exists only in few families in a generation where nuclear families phenomena is rampant.
True indeed! But do you think mothers can shrug their duties to save their energy for themselves? Nope. Giving without expecting is mother’s nature. Sadly, some exploit that.
keep this blog till you turn 55 and i will reply to your question,hehehehe.
I will 🙂 Let’s stake it out.
This, right here, is an ode to being a woman in today’s world. So proud of you for writing this.
Thanks CookieCrumbs… You are such a darling!
This ad is so apt and so is your post!
Thank you Leo!