I think, therefore I write

The weekend

When you read “The weekend”, you might have expected an elaborate post about what all I did or where all I went over the weekend. That’s not it. I can summarize the weekend as “3/4 cleaning and 1/4 cooking”. Yup, with the responsibilities of a married woman who is going to start handling the entire family thing alone from tomorrow, that’s how the weekend goes. Here I have to say I am at blame partly. Because I have this OCD to have things clean. Kind of Monica-ish. :mrgreen: It will keep nagging in my mind until I finish it. So I cleaned, cleaned and cleaned our home, a little at a time (due to the wheezing onset if I do too much of dusting and cleaning) ever since I set foot in this home on Feb 18 till this weekend. And finally I am satisfied that our home is clean to the extent of livable. My poor husband looks on as I keep on cleaning with increasing vigor, hoping that I would finish soon so that I will not make him+his laptop move around. πŸ™„

After I finished the cleanathon, we had some guests over and sudden change of plans that mom is going home earlier than planned, even by just 2 days. With the thought that I have to manage the cooking all alone and that there will none to whom I can turn and ask “Is the salt enough?”, my mind started going crazy. I started feverishly writing down all recipes, measurements and such trivia(for my mom, not for me). So from tomorrow, the kitchen is my lab and Adit is theΒ  lab rat. 😯 Fingers crossed that I don’t mess up big time.

Other than the kitchen, there’s always something or the other thing to do. It makes me realize how recklessly lazy and easy the first 25 years of my life has been.


  1. L. Guruprasad

    recklessly lazy and easy the first 25 years of my life has been

    What a gross understatement of the truth! πŸ˜›

    • Keirthana

      I couldn’t find more words to express it πŸ˜‰

  2. Soumya

    I hear you sistah! The first six months of marriage will be spent on cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. I’m the mother of Monica when it comes to cleaning, so you can imagine πŸ˜€

    The rest of your life, well, will be spent cooking. Sigh, the things you need to do for love πŸ˜€

    P.S: Love your husbands comment! πŸ˜›

    • Keirthana

      At least I am not alone in this cleaning OCD. It doesn’t make any difference to my guy even if he sits amidst a jungle as long as he his laptop and mobile with him πŸ˜› But it nags the hell out of me if some part of the house is not cleaned.

      Thanks for the P.S. He is known for his give-backs to me like this πŸ™‚

  3. Ajay Kontham

    I tried commenting first. But then I was late. Plus my internet stopped working mysteriously. πŸ™

    So, hows work of a married woman?
    And what about your husband! That ‘You are next’ thing scares me. πŸ˜› #justSaying

    You should invite some of the bloggers ( or me) for lunch or anything (just to see your cooking πŸ˜› ) , if possible. So that the lab rats could be changed once in a while. #justSayingAgain πŸ˜›

    • L. Guruprasad

      Ajay, I have to thank my stars that I know cooking and have the experience of eating my own cooking for 6 months a couple of years back. πŸ™‚

      • Keirthana

        Just 6 months and you have had your fair share of mishaps while cooking. Need I list it here? πŸ˜‰

        • Ajay Kontham

          @K : Please do list. πŸ˜›
          #ForFunSake #JustKidding

      • Ajay Kontham

        WOW, great. πŸ™‚

        Then, there is no problem with who prepares the food. πŸ˜›

    • Keirthana

      Yeah, you overwork your internet so much that it takes a break on its own πŸ˜›

      Work of a married woman never ends, that’s about it! My husband is doing just fine, he takes things as it comes. I am the one that freaks out πŸ˜›

      You guys are welcome to our place anytime as long as you are willing to volunteer as lab rats πŸ˜› #HowGenerous
      You might be saved on the off chance that my husband guides me in cooking when you guys come since he is 6 months senior to me in this experience.

      • Ajay Kontham

        Haha. Lol. πŸ˜› I think you are right.
        So dear Internet, I give you a day off. πŸ˜›

        So, guys don’t have much problems, then. Good to know. πŸ˜›
        Guruprasad Sir, Any inputs to this?

        Of course, What else are friends for? πŸ˜› #YouAreWelcome
        And to point out, I cooked for myself for a few weeks, and since one day I kind of missed preparing lunch ( as I was tired plus my uncle found that same day to visit me #Damn), I was sent to college hostel. And let me tell you, cooking is no joke. No ma’am.

        • Guruprasad

          So, guys don’t have much problems, Guruprasad Sir, Any inputs to this?

          Yes guys don’t have much problems, they usually have just one big problem πŸ˜› Just kidding πŸ˜‰

          • Ajay Kontham

            Haha. Lol.
            I catch your drift. πŸ˜›

            Hope @K doesn’t see this. πŸ˜›

  4. Thinker

    Hmm… Life is going good I guess πŸ˜€

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